We often get questions concerning the lyrics we use (all written by author Tormod Skagestad, as you may already know), mostly because they're written in a language that not all that many people around the globe are capable of understanding. Norway is a small country after all - at least in terms of human population - and not that many people outside Norway ever bother to study the language. No wonder then that most questions are related to the meaning of these lyrics, or the likes of: "Where can I find an English translation of [insert title here]?"
We have too much respect for Tormod Skagestad's works to attempt to make translations of his works on our own, but we have been trying to encourage the Internet community to come up with good translations. Finally we have one such translation. One that is of such good quality that we just have to share it with the rest of the world. Thank you so much for writing this one! (You know who you are.)
Day And Night
The day; a laughing God,
descends from the mountains.
He is a strong and joyful father
for the forest, skies and fjords.
They laugh and cheer around him.
He turns away, silences them and holds his breath
then leaves for all eternity.
Thoughtfully he lays his golden arms
around the shoulders of the dim mountains
before he leaves.
I am a son of the day.
I trample around with sunrays in my hair
and melodies on my lips.
The night is a veiled Goddess
descending from the mountains.
She is a good, yet tired mother
for the skies, fjords and forests.
They crawl into her embrace.
Hide away.
Above them she lifts the starry sky
like a lamplight.
And rocks them to sleep.
The rhythm of sleep is in everything:
In the flowing water
in darkness and growing grass.
I am a son of the night
Night, lay soft and dark hands
over my eyes.
The day returns from its jaunt.
Laughing, he tears the sleeping land
out of their mother’s embrace.
He lifts and severs waving, white sheets of fog.
Breathes on the skies, fjords and forests.
Carries them in his golden arms
shakes the sleep and slumber off them.
The people who work in the fields
by the forest and the rivers,
have sunrays in their hair
and melodies on their lips.
From ashes I have come
unto ashes I shall return.
Days and nights shall come
and go without me.